Here is a short summary of the commands for the built in Commodore 64 BASIC V2. Note that this is not intended to be a tutorial, but just a quick reference to refresh long unused brain cells.
In C64 BASIC V2 there are only few types of variables:
ΓÇó Float: This is the most frequently used type. Float-variables do not carry a type identifier.
Range +/- [2.94E-39 ... 1.70E+38] (+/- [2^-128 ... 2^127])
Precision: 32 bit (approx. 9.6 decimal digits)
ΓÇó Integer (16 Bit): This is a rarely used type. Integer variables carry a '%' at the end of their name (eg. X%). Note that all computations are performed with float precision and conversion to Integer is only performed when the value is assigned to a variable. Thus Integer math is SLOWER (!) than Float math.
ΓÇó Boolean Results are expressed using Integers. FALSE is represented by 0 (0x0000) and TRUE by -1 (0xFFFF) or any other non-zero value.
ΓÇó Strings: String variables carry a '$' at the end of their name (eg. X$). Strings can be at most 255 characters long.
Only the first TWO (!) characters of a variable name are significant.
Program Flow Control:
FOR...TO...STEP...NEXT - The only real loop construct in BASIC
Syntax: FOR <Var> = <Start> TO <End> [STEP <Size>]
<Loop Code>
NEXT [<Var>]
Examples: FOR I=1 TO 5: PRINT I;: NEXT -> 1 2 3 4 5
FOR I=1 TO 5 STEP 2: PRINT I;: NEXT -> 1 3 5
FOR I=5 TO 1 STEP -2: PRINT I;: NEXT I -> 5 3 1
FOR I=3 TO 1: PRINT I;: NEXT -> 3 (!)
IF...THEN - Conditional Program Execution
Note: There is no such thing as ELSE or ENDIF.
Syntax: IF <Condition> THEN <Statements>
or IF <Condition> GOTO <LineNr>
or IF <Condition> THEN <LineNr>
Example: 100 IF A < B THEN MN = A: GOTO 120
110 MN = B
120 ....
GOTO or GO TO - Unconditional Jump
Syntax: GOTO <LineNr>
or GO TO <LineNr>
GOSUB - Unconditional Jump to Subroutine
Note that it is not possible to use formal parameters to a subroutine.
Everything must be done using global variables.
Syntax: GOSUB <LineNr>
Example: 10 PRINT "Main Program"
20 GOSUB 100
30 PRINT "Back To Main"
40 GOSUB 100
50 PRINT "Once again Main"
60 END
100 PRINT "This is the Subroutine"
RETURN - Return from Subroutine
Syntax: RETURN
Example: See GOSUB
ON...GOTO or ON...GOSUB - Multiway branch
Syntax: ON <IntegerExpr> GOTO <LineNr1>, <LineNr2> ...
or ON <IntegerExpr> GOSUB <LineNr1>, <LineNr2> ...
Example: ON X GOTO 100, 200, 300
This is equivalent to:
IF X = 1 THEN GOTO 100
IF X = 2 THEN GOTO 200
IF X = 3 THEN GOTO 300
DEF FN - Define a BASIC Function/Subroutine
Syntax: DEF FN <Name>(<Param>) = <Single Line Expression>
Example: DEF FN SI(X) = SIN(X)/X
FN SI(π/3) -> 0.816993343
GET - Read One Character from Standard Input without waiting
Syntax: GET <VarName>
Example: 100 GET A$: IF A$ = "" THEN GOTO 100 -> Wait for any Key
INPUT - Get Data from Standard Input (usually Keyboard)
Example: VERIFY "SuperGame", 8 -> Check SuperGame from Disk #8
VERIFY "*", 9 -> Check the first program from Disk #9
VERIFY "", 1 -> Check the first program from Tape #1
OPEN - Open a File
Syntax: OPEN <FileID>, <Device> [, <SecondDev> [, <FNameMode>]]
The <SecondDev> is an optional integer in the range 0-15 with the following meaning: 0..Used for LOAD, 1..Used for SAVE, 2-14..Freely usable for User File Access, 15..Command/Error Channel.
<FNameMode> uses the format: "<FileName> [,<FileType> [,<AccessMode>]]" where <FileType> is one of P (Program), S (Sequential), L (Relative) or U (User) and <AccessMode> is one of R (Read), W (Write), A (Append) or the number of Bytes/Record for Relative Files.
Example: OPEN 1, 4 -> Open a Output File to the Printer #4
OPEN 1, 8, 2, "My File,P,R" -> Open a Program for Reading
OPEN 1, 8, 2, "My File,S,W" -> Open a Sequential File for Writing
OPEN 1, 8, 2, "My File,L,"+CHR$(40) -> Open a Relative File with 40 Bytes/Record
OPEN 1, 8, 15 -> Open the Disk Command/Error Channel
CLOSE - Close a File
Syntax: CLOSE <FileID>
Example: CLOSE 1
GET# - Read One Character from a File
Syntax: GET# <FileID>, <VarName>
Example: GET#1, A$
Note that there is no space between 'GET' and '#'.
Note that there is no space between 'INPUT' and '#'.
Syntax: PRINT# <FileID>, <Data>
Example: PRINT#1, "Power64"
Note that there is no space between 'PRINT' and '#'. Note also that
?# is not PRINT# also they look the same in a listing.
CMD - Redirect Standard Output (Input is not affected) and writes a
Message to it
Syntax: CMD <FileID> [, <Message>]
Example: OPEN 1, 4 ; Open a File#1 on Printer#4
CMD 1 ; Make it the standard Output
PRINT "Whatever Output you want"
PRINT "More Output"
PRINT#1 ; Undo CMD 1
ST - Device Status (Built-In Variable)
ST = 0 .. Device Ok
Bit 6: 1 .. End of File
Bit 7: 1 .. Device Not Present
READ - Read Static Data from DATA Statements in the Program
Syntax: READ <Var> [, <Var>...]
Example: 10 RESTORE
20 READ X$
30 PRINT X$;
40 S = 0
50 FOR I=1 TO 3
70 S = S + X
100 DATA "Power", 12, 34, 18
RESTORE - Set Pointer to Next DATA element to the first DATA statement
in the program.
Example: See READ
DATA - Store Static Data
Syntax: DATA <Data> [, <Data>...]
Example: See READ
Math Functions:
LET - Assignment
Syntax: LET <Variable> = <Value>
Example LET A = 6.25
Note the LET keyword is not necessary. <Variable> = <Value> is all
that is needed. LET only slows things down -> Don't use it!
DIM - Array Declaration
Syntax: DIM <Name>(<Size> [, <Size>...])
Example: DIM A(7) -> An array of 8(!) elements indexed [0..7]
DIM B$(4,5) -> An array of 30(!) strings
Usage of Elements: A(3) = 17 : B$(2,3) = "Power64"
+, -, *, / - Arithmetic Operators
Example: 9 + 5 * (15 - 1) / 7 -> 19
<, <=, =, <>, >=, > - Comparison Operators
Examples: 3 <> 6 -> -1 (TRUE)
3 > 4 -> 0 (FALSE)
SIN - Sine (Argument in Radians)
Syntax: SIN(<Value>)
Example: SIN(π/3) -> 0.866025404
COS - Cosine (Argument in Radians)
Syntax: COS(<Value>)
Example: COS(π/3) -> 0.5
TAN - Tangent (Argument in Radians)
Syntax: TAN(<Value>)
Example: TAN(π/3) -> 1.73205081
ATN - Arcus Tangent (Result in [-π/2 .. π/2])
Syntax: ATN(<Value>)
Example: ATN(1) -> 0.785398163 ( = π/4)
EXP - Exponent (E^X where E = 2.71828183...)
Syntax: EXP(<Value>)
Example: EXP(6.25) -> 518.012825
LOG - Natural Logarithm
Syntax: LOG(<Value>)
Example: LOG(6.25) -> 1.83258146
SQR - Square Root
Syntax: SQR(<Value>)
Example: SQR(6.25) -> 2.5
ABS - Absolute Value
Syntax: ABS(<Value>)
Examples: ABS(-6.25) -> 6.25
ABS(0) -> 0
ABS(6.25) -> 6.25
SGN - Sign
Syntax: SGN(<Value>)
Examples: SGN(-6.25) -> -1
SGN(0) -> 0
SGN(6.25) -> 1
INT - Integer (Truncate to greatest integer less or equal to Argument.)
Syntax: INT(<Value>)
Examples: INT(-6.25) -> -7 (!)
INT(-5) -> -5
INT(0) -> 0
INT(5) -> 5
INT(6.25) -> 6
RND - Random Number in [0.0 .. 1.0]
Syntax: RND(<Seed>)
If (<Seed> < 0) the Random number generator is initialized
Examples: RND(-625) -> 3.85114436E-06
RND(0) -> 0.464844882
RND(0) -> 0.0156260729
Logic & Binary Operators:
Recall the encoding of Boolean Values:
FALSE <--> 0 (0x0000) and TRUE <--> -1 (0xFFFF) or any non-zero value
AND - Logical & Binary AND
Syntax: <Expr> AND <Expr>
Example: A>5 AND X<=Y
12 AND 10 -> 8 (%1100 AND %1010 = %1000)
OR - Logical & Binary OR
Syntax: <Expr> OR <Expr>
Example: A>5 OR X<=Y
12 OR 10 -> 14 (%1100 OR %1010 = %1110)
NOT - Logical & Binary NOT
Syntax: NOT <Expr>
Example: NOT A>5
NOT 2 -> -3 (NOT $0002 = $FFFD)
Character & String Processing:
+ - Concatenate Strings
Example: "Pow" + "er64" -> "Power64"
<, <=, =, <>, >=, > - Comparison Operators
Examples: "C64" < "Power64" -> -1 (TRUE)
"Alpha" > "Omega" -> 0 (FALSE)
LEN - Stringlength
Syntax: LEN(<String>)
Example LEN("Power64") -> 7
LEFT$ - Left part of a string
Syntax: LEFT$(<String>, <Len>)
Example: LEFT$("Power64", 5) -> "Power"
RIGHT$ - Right part of a string
Syntax: RIGHT$(<String>, <Len>)
Example: RIGHT$("Power64", 5) -> "wer64"
MID$ - Middle part of a string
Syntax: MID$(<String>, <Start>, <Len>)
Example: MID$("Power64 for Macintosh", 13, 3) -> "Mac"
/* 123456789012345678901 */
STR$ - Convert a Number into a String
Syntax: STR$(<Value>)
Example: STR$(6.25) -> " 6.25"
STR$(-6.25) -> "-6.25"
VAL - Convert a String to a Number
Syntax: VAL(<String>)
Examples: VAL("6.25") -> 6.25
VAL("6xx25") -> 6
VAL("x6x25") -> 0
ASC - ASCII code of the first character of a string
Syntax: ASC(<String>)
Examples: ASC("P") -> 80
ASC("Power64") -> 80
CHR$ - Character with a specific ASCII code
Syntax: CHR$(<Value>)
Example: CHR$(80) -> "P"
Memory Access:
PEEK - Read Byte from Memory
Syntax: PEEK(<Addr>)
Example: PEEK(53280) -> Current Frame Color
POKE - Write Byte to Memory
Syntax: POKE <Addr>, <Value>
Example: POKE 53280, 7 -> Yellow Frame
WAIT - Wait until a Byte in Memory has a specific value
Syntax: WAIT <Addr>, <Mask> [, <Invert>]
WAIT will halt the program until ((PEEK(<Addr>) EXOR <Invert>) AND <Mask>) != 0
If <Invert> is not specified it is assumed to be 0.
Example: WAIT 198, 255 -> Wait for a key in the key buffer.
Interface to Assembler Programs:
SYS - System - Call a Assembler Program
Syntax: SYS <Addr> [, <Param> ...]
The number of parameters depends on the actual program called.
USR - User Command
Syntax: USR(<Param>)
Similar to SYS but the <Addr> is fixed to $0310 and the first and only <Param> is already evaluated and stored in FloatAccu1 (FAC1) when the Assembler Program is called. Less flexible than SYS and thus rarely used.
Program Execution:
RUN - Start the BASIC Program
Syntax: RUN [<Line>]
If no <Line> is given, the program is started on its first line.
Example: RUN
STOP - Stops program execution
Syntax: STOP
STOP is similar to END, but prints the message BREAK IN <Line> when
END - End program execution
Syntax: END
CONT - Continue program execution
Syntax: CONT
When program execution has interrupted by STOP, END or the Run/Stop
key, the command CONT can be used to resume execution.
REM - Remark
Syntax: REM <Text>
Example: REM This line contains a comment
LIST - Display the listing of the current BASIC program
Syntax: LIST [<Line> | <From>- | -<To> | <From>-<To>]
Without argument, the entire program is listed.
Examples: LIST
LIST -40
LIST 100-200
NEW - Delete the current program and all variables from memory
Syntax: NEW
If the NEW command was accidentally issued, the deleted program can
be recovered by using the NEW Magician described in Section 7.2.
CLR - Delete all variables
Syntax: CLR
FRE - Free Memory
Syntax: FRE(<Dummy>)
Example: FRE(0) -> -26627 (immediately after Power-on)
Returns the number of Bytes free for BASIC programs as a signed 16 Bit integer. If the free memory exceeds 32KByte then a negative number (the actual number of free Bytes - 65536) will be returned. Thus -26627 should be read as 65536-26627 = 38909.
π - Pi = 3.14159265
TI - Timer Ticks since Power-On (1 Tick = 1/60 Second)
TI$ - Timer since Power-On in Hour/Minute/Second Format
TI$ (but not TI) can be assigned a value!
The accuracy of the Timer is very poor (>1% drift)